Is Your Tooling Performance Keeping Up With Your Manufacturing Demands?

Unlock the Potential of Your Industrial Tools with 300 Below’s Cryogenic Processing

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Extend Tool Lifespan and Reduce Downtime


Elevate Tool Performance

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Achieve Substantial Cost Savings

In the world of industrial manufacturing, the cost of tool failure and downtime can be catastrophic. Dull, damaged tools slow down your production line, drain your maintenance budget, and put your delivery timelines at risk.

At 300 Below, we understand your challenges because we’ve lived them. With decades of experience in industrial manufacturing, we’ve seen firsthand the impact of tool failure on productivity and profits. Our expertise in cryogenic processing is trusted by manufacturers worldwide to keep their tools in peak condition.

The Future of Metals

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Extend Tool Lifespan and Reduce Downtime

By undergoing cryogenic processing, your tools can enjoy an extended lifespan, reducing replacement costs and keeping your production lines running longer.

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Elevate Tool Performance

Our cryogenic treatment refines the molecular structure of your tools, enhancing their performance, precision, and productivity.

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Achieve Substantial Cost Savings

With less frequent tool replacements and improved efficiency, your operation benefits from significant cost savings, contributing to a healthier bottom line.

Materials Impacted

Whether it’s drill bits, milling cutters, broaches, or shears, 300 Below’s cryogenic processing
can enhance a wide range of industrial tooling components. We cater to various
materials, including high-speed steel, carbide, and other tool steels.


For detailed pricing information, please contact us directly. We will provide a customized quote based on your specific requirements.

Our Process is simple

Make your metal parts better with cryogenic processing for longer lasting, wear-resistant equipment.

Step 1


Identify at-risk metals

Step 2


Upgrade your parts with our process

Step 3


Perform with confidence

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Our Story

In the world of industrial tooling, efficiency, precision, and cost-effectiveness are paramount. With 300 Below’s cryogenic processing, you can unlock these key benefits, enhancing your tooling operations and contributing to a healthier bottom line..
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For a deeper understanding of how cryogenic processing can revolutionize your tooling performance, download our free PDF guide, “Unlocking Industrial Tooling Potential with Cryogenic Processing.”

cryogenic processing

For a deeper understanding of how cryogenic processing can revolutionize your tooling performance, download our free PDF guide, “Unlocking Industrial Tooling Potential with Cryogenic Processing.”