Electronic Reproduction

Many studies have shown significant enhancements can be achieved when electronic reproduction and high-end audio components are exposed to the cryogenic treatment. Although very subjective in their nature, the typical results include better performance of sound qualities and overall circuit performance of the cryogenically treated audio electronic reproduction components.

Electronic reproduction components contain internal stresses that degrade their overall performance. These components become the subject to residual stresses from the moment of fabrication. Then, the additional manufacturing steps and processes contribute to the additional stress lines. 300 Below’s cryogenic treatment of electronic reproduction components is specifically designed to eliminate these internal stresses and maximize their performance.

What audio electronic reproduction components can benefit from cryogenic processing?

  • Vacuum tubes
  • Capacitors
  • Rectifiers
  • Diodes
  • Audio cables
  • Switches


What are the benefits of cryogenic treatment for audio electronic reproduction components?

  • Reduction in resistance as a result of a more coherent molecular structure due to the cryogenic processing of electronic reproduction components.
  • Enhanced molecular covalent bonding results in a more coherent audio signal while enhancing the signal to noise ratio to a more favorable and desirable level.
  • Decreased electrical resistance on the wire, circuit boards, and individual electronic reproduction components.
  • Less power needed for identical output or input.
  • Improved sensitivity for microphones and instrument electronic pickups.
  • Improvements to vacuum tube performance and longevity.